It's True
One could argue that nearly all films are in some way based on true events, but these films give more credit to real events than the others and do a lovely job of representing the inspired story.
1. 50/50; Jonathan Levine Click here to see trailer
This film is based on the directors own struggle with been giving the odds 50/50 to live or die. When Adam Lerner (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) learns that he has a malignant tumour on his spine it is as much as a shock to him as it is to his best friend Kyle (Seth Rogan). We see relationships breakdown, friendships strengthen, family bonds tested, and the struggle of coming to terms with this hideous disease. This movie is awkward and depressing, but this made all okay by the hilarious script and Seth's portrayal of a true bromance.
2. Lawless; John Hillcoat Click here to see trailer
This film tells the tale of the Bondurant Brothers of Franklin County who ran a bootlegging business in the 1930s. Forrest (Tom Hardy), Howard (Jason Clarke) and Jack (Shia LaBeouf) all have jobs in making this illegal occupation work, and need to band together when a violent and bloody war erupts in an attempt to shut the ring down. This movie has everything; romance, explosions, violence and the idealistic setting of small country America. Tom Hardy plays potentially the biggest, baddest and hottest man in history.
3. The Lords of Dogtown; Catherine Hardwicke Click here to see trailer
This is the tale of the Z Boys who turned skateboarding from a G-rated mode of transport into tricks and epic stunts in bowls made from dried out swimming pools. Set in the 70s we follow the boys ups and downs, literally and figuratively, along with a great performance from Heath Ledger as their manager, Skip Engblom.

4. Marie Antoinette; Sophia Coppola Click here to see trailer
In 1774 the infamous 19 year old 'Queen of Debt', Marie Antoinette (Kirsten Dunst) and her new husband Louis XVI of France (Jason Schwartzman) struggle to keep the kingdom, finances and gossip under control. Although exaggerated a little, this story is somewhat historically accurate but told in a way so that we fall in love with the Queen in the same way we would a Disney princess, the delectable food, huge hair, glitzy dresses, golden palaces, charming prince (Jamie Dornan) and an awesome 80s soundtrack.
5. Catch Me If You Can; Steven Spielberg Click here to see trailer
This unbelievably true story of Frank Abagnale Jr (Leonardo DiCaprio) who tricked his way into working as a doctor, lawyer and co-pilot before he was even 18 years old will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time. FBI Agent Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks) makes it his life's goal to catch the now million dollar check fraudster, and most successful bank robber in the history of the U.S.
6. Blow; Ted Demme Click here to see trailer
George Jung (Johnny Depp) manages to be the premiere importer of cocaine using his contacts with Colombia's Medellin cartel. This story follows the man's action packed rise and fall in the international drug trade in the 1970s.
7. Into the Wild; Sean Penn Click here to see trailer
Young man Christopher McCandless (Emile Hurst) rejects modern society and burns all of his money, his birth certificate and recently acquired university degree and heads to Alaska to live off of the land. Along the way he meets a myriad of colourful characters, and we see the struggle of his family waiting back home with no idea where their son has vanished to. This film shows the struggles and successes of living without society.
8. American Hustle; David O. Russell Click here to see trailer
When power couple Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) are caught red handed loan-sharking by FBI agent Richie (Bradley Cooper) they are forced to work under cover to catch a corrupt Mayor. This film has twist after twist, and it is really hard to believe such sting operations really happen.
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